Ttc Daily Comparison

Kevin Branigan


So I've been trying to build a niffy little tool for exploring the TTC's realtime data, I've been archiving the GPS reports and storing them in binary files that I can search fairly quickly. To access this, I've built a little json web service built in C. With that in mind, I've been trying super hard to figure out ways to explore the historic data, it's been terribly difficult building a user interface around so much data. I've tried dozens of different designs and schemes, none of them have been all that brilliant. Anyway, so today I decided I wanted to show at least something before the New Year, I put a few hours in and build this: 501 queen, before and during the snow storm of Dec 11th. The map on the left is a realtime map of the 501 Queen Streetcar in Toronto between 8:30am and 9:30am on December 10th. On the right, is the following day, when there we had a fairly significant snow storm. It's not as drastic a difference as your cynical heart might expect, but it's fun none the less.